Analysis of psychological factors and neurocognitive processes of romantic breakups in young adults


  • Ana Belén Cárdenas Salazar Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neurocognitive, , psychological, grief, neurosciences


PROBLEM: at the moment in which a young adult experiences a love breakup, they experience emotional pain since it is considered a duel, where psychological well-being is altered, emphasizing the emotional, mental, physical and neurocognitive area. OBJECTIVE: identify the psychological factors and determining neurocognitive processes related to romantic breakups in young adults. METHOD: non-experimental, cross-sectional, quantitative design and level of descriptive scope, a sample of 38 men and 42 women was used and the Inventory of Post-Traumatic Cognitions (ICPT) was used as an instrument. RESULTS: the population does not present any alteration in negative cognitions about the self, it is determined that the majority totally disagrees with the irrational idea of not having a good future with 71.3%. In relation to feelings of self-blame, it is evident that 73.8% totally disagree with the perception that nothing good can happen to them in the future. However, they present alterations in negative cognitions about the world, with 52.5% totally agreeing that they can never know who will harm them. It is necessary to emphasize that they have developed an avoidant attachment and for this reason the majority, 82.5% of the population, are single. CONCLUSION: it was determined that the majority of the population with 52.5% present alteration in the area of negative cognitions about the world, being in complete agreement with the warning of not knowing who could harm them. The population evaluated does not present high levels of negative cognitions towards themselves, representing 71.3% disagreement with the idea of not having a good future. 73.8% of young adults do not deal with self-blame when faced with a breakup; they disagree with the perception that nothing good can happen to them in the future.


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Author Biography

Ana Belén Cárdenas Salazar, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Maestranda de la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición del Centro Universitario de Zacapa CUNZAC/USAC, Licenciada en psicología por la Universidad Rafael Landívar y tres publicaciones anteriores en la Revista Académica CUNZAC.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Salazar, A. B. (2024). Analysis of psychological factors and neurocognitive processes of romantic breakups in young adults. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 154–167.



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