Executive functioning in adults in neurological consultation


  • Laura Geovanna García Barrera Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




Neurosciences, psychology, executive functions, neurological pathologies


PROBLEM: ¿what is the executive profile in adults over 18 years of age who attend a neurological clinic in the department of Jutiapa in the period from September to October 2022? OBJECTIVE: to determine executive functioning through the neuropsychological test Copy of a copy test Complex Figure METHOD: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in a group comprised of 80 subjects between the ages of 18 and 75, of both sexes, with various neurological pathologies. RESULTS: it was evidenced that 78.3% of the population that underwent the study have a level below the average parameter in relation to the executive functions evaluated. 13% are within the normal parameter, with respect to the executive functions evaluated and only 8.6% reached a higher level with respect to the skills that were respectively evaluated. In the second phase of the test that specifically evaluates the function of visual memory, the results showed that 95.5% who received neurological assistance had a level below the average parameter in relation to visual memory. CONCLUSION: the study subjects with the passing of the years could reach a significant cognitive deterioration.


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Author Biography

Laura Geovanna García Barrera, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Psychology graduate Laura Geovanna García Barrera has a specialty in Neuroscience with an emphasis on Neurocognition from the Zacapa university center. He is currently a master's student in the same field. The author has a degree in psychology from the Rafael Landívar University, currently works in an intensive care unit and in the outpatient clinic at the National Hospital of Jutiapa.


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How to Cite

García Barrera, L. G. (2023). Executive functioning in adults in neurological consultation. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(2), 105–112. https://doi.org/10.46780/sociedadcunzac.v3i2.96



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