Creencias que obstaculizan el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y sus efectos neurocognitivos


  • Jim Roberto Castillo Mendoza Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



creencias, estudio de la matemática, neurocognición, neuroeducación


PROBLEM: what factors motivate emotions that make it difficult for students to study mathematics? OBJECTIVE: to identify the beliefs that hinder the learning of mathematics and their neurocognitive effects. METHOD: descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study on the beliefs that hinder the learning of mathematics and its neurocognitive effects. RESULTS: 71% indicate having the intention to learn mathematics, 52% indicate having the ability to study mathematics, 41% indicate that the problem of studying mathematics is related to the teaching method, 78% affirm the importance of contextualizing mathematical content, 70% the study of mathematics is motivating. CONCLUSION: beliefs are related to interest, emotion, ability, preferences, and expectations for learning mathematics. The neurocognitive effects of beliefs are connected to perception, analysis, expression of ideas, perception, evaluation, synthesis. Beliefs can enhance or limit interest in learning. The teaching methods used by the professional are of great importance for the construction of knowledge. Advances in neuroscience applied to education have facilitated access to knowledge of the brain and processes that take place in it: brain plasticity, the causes and effects of fear, cognitive development, motivating factors for learning, memory, emotions, neurogenesis, among others.


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Author Biography

Jim Roberto Castillo Mendoza, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has been a teacher of the secondary level, diversified cycle in the area of ​​mathematics and natural sciences since 2003 and a university professor since 2018. He has been coordinator of research projects - action with students of the diversified cycle and teachers of secondary education in Mathematics and Physics in communities of the department of El Progreso, Guatemala. Graduated as a High School Teacher in Natural Sciences specialized in the teaching of Mathematics and Physics, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics at the School of Training for High School Teachers, EFPEM of the University of San Carlos from Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Castillo Mendoza, J. R. (2023). Creencias que obstaculizan el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y sus efectos neurocognitivos. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(1), 73–83.



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