Neurocognitive profile of writing coding in infants of 6 and 7 years old: neuropediatric case study


  • Ruth Isabel Zapata Gómez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



writing, initial reading, neurognition, children, perception


PROBLEM: factors that influence the coding of writing in infants Does it exist? OBJECTIVE: to determine, analyze and understand the neurocognitive processes of language and writing through Marion Monroe's basic initial reading test, the performance, progress and skills of the children evaluated from 6 and 7 years old, their ability to understand reading and writing. METHOD: the research was carried out with a sample of 15 students of 6 and 7 years of school age, Marion Monroe's basic initial reading test was used. Data was collected and the skills that children need training were analyzed, qualitative and quantitative techniques were used RESULTS: it was determined that 6 and 7 year old children have difficulty understanding sentences, they associate images with what they heard, but they do not interpret correctly, the would have in the past tense. With respect to inferences they also have difficulty. CONCLUSION: it is important for parents to stimulate children from a very young age, this allows us to facilitate learning since their neuronal plasticity is developing, allowing children to make their learning easier.


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Author Biography

Ruth Isabel Zapata Gómez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición. Psicóloga clínica universidad Mariano Gálvez, Educadora de familia certificada en Disciplina Positiva positive Discipline Asociación ciudad de México, certificada en terapia de pareja centro psicopedagógico de México AC, certificada en Encouragemen consultant training, ciudad de México.


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How to Cite

Zapata Gómez, R. I. (2024). Neurocognitive profile of writing coding in infants of 6 and 7 years old: neuropediatric case study . Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(2), 249–261.



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