Perceptual and visuospatial development through open-ended material


  • José Ernesto Ramírez Ovalle Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



visuospatial, perceptual, cognition


PROBLEM: In childhood it is a fundamental process that influences the way children perceive, interact and understand the world around them. These cognitive skills are vital for children's learning and comprehensive development; they allow them to interpret and organize visual information, solve spatial problems and navigate effectively in their environment. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the effectiveness of stimulation using open-purpose material in promoting perceptual and visuospatial skills in children of different age groups. METHOD: through the Rey-Osterrieth Figure Copy Test which is used in neuropsychological evaluation to detect alterations in visuospatial and perceptual skills in different populations. RESULTS: 47.5% of correct parameters indicate that the more use of open skill games a child can have, the greater the visuospatial development and perceptual agility will be in all the activities or needs they may have. CONCLUSION: when the child has stimuli from the earliest ages of coping strategies, he is compromised and thus the management of different circumstances in view and perception will be developed with vigor and ease, making the development visible and accessible in his motor development. and environment reflected in a previous percentage of missing parameters of 67.5% decreases to 22.5%.


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Author Biography

José Ernesto Ramírez Ovalle, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de Maestría en Neurociencia con énfasis en Neurocognición, maestro en abuso sexual y violencias, docente, capacitador, asistente profesional en la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. Revisor y asesor de trabajos con fines de graduaciones. Creador del grupo consultor Psiconsciente. Terapeuta clínico y facilitador profesional en maestrías.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Ovalle, J. E. (2024). Perceptual and visuospatial development through open-ended material. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(2), 162–172.



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