Emotional well-being in women as a result of occupational therapy in Tecpán Chimaltenango


  • Lea Elizabeth Mes Guitz Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




well-being, occupation, health


PROBLEM: psychological conditions develop due to various factors; such as genetic inheritance, epigenetics, stressful events, brain injuries, addictions, brain chemical imbalances. Occupational therapy is a method of occupation for psychological treatment and rehabilitation in people. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the benefits of using occupational therapy in women participating in craft and other method of occupations. METHOD: This study will use the quantitative method with a study sample of 80 women who will participate in occupational therapy. RESULTS: Among the findings, 75% of the participants are in the age range of 18 to 40 years, most of them single, which means that occupational therapy is sought more by young women. Thus, 80% of the participants are of Mayan origin, which highlights the importance of local culture in participation in occupational activities. Likewise, the importance of work well-being since 51 women of the 80 surveyed expressed a high level of satisfaction, in relation to psychological and material well-being. 68 of 80 women are between the medium and high levels, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach. This is the scale used. CONCLUSION: Occupational therapy plays a significant role in improving the emotional well-being of women participating in craft method occupations and other occupational courses.


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Author Biography

Lea Elizabeth Mes Guitz, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es Licenciada en Psicología y Consejería Social, Profesora en Teología. Actualmente maestranda de la Maestría en Neurociencias con énfasis en Neurocognición del Centro Universitario de Zacapa. Se dedica a la clínica privada y a la docencia en estudios bíblicos.


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How to Cite

Mes Guitz, L. E. (2024). Emotional well-being in women as a result of occupational therapy in Tecpán Chimaltenango. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 288–302. https://doi.org/10.46780/sociedadcunzac.v4i1.132



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