Psychoeducation and intervention in early stimulation in early childhood homes in the Sinaneca and Tablones Village of the municipality of San Jorge, Zacapa


  • Jennifer Dayana Cordón Fuentes Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neurodevelopment, early stimulation, early childhood


PROBLEM: lack of early stimulation evidenced by children between the ages of 2-6 influenced by the limited knowledge that mothers from the Sinaneca and Tablones villages of the municipality of San Jorge, Zacapa have about the importance of carrying out early stimulation exercises in early childhood OBJECTIVE: identify the needs that are created by the limitations that the rural area has. Providing psychoeducational workshops, development guidelines with the implementation of an early stimulation intervention with selected children, developing them to their maximum physical, emotional, mental and social potential. Preventing delays in their psychomotor development METHOD: through the qualitative approach, the total universe is 65 children between the ages of 2-6, performing a simple random sampling with a 95% CI and a margin of error of 5%, being a total of 40 children studied. RESULTS: through an observation indicator such as a pretest, the low stimulation that is presented was evidenced, obtaining a negative result where 90% presented difficulties in carrying out the indicator CONCLUSION: a work plan was implemented with psychoeducation workshops, they were A survey was applied to the mothers to see the progress of the workshop where 95% positive results were obtained, a post-test was applied to the children where significant progress was evident in the areas that were worked on.


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Author Biography

Jennifer Dayana Cordón Fuentes, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante con cierre de pensum de la carrera de psicología en el programa de grado por postgrado cursando el segundo semestre de la maestría en neurociencia con énfasis en Neurocognición.


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How to Cite

Cordón Fuentes, J. D. (2024). Psychoeducation and intervention in early stimulation in early childhood homes in the Sinaneca and Tablones Village of the municipality of San Jorge, Zacapa. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 229–240.



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