Study of naming ability in the adult population through the Boston test


  • Walter Alexander de Paz Orozco Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



vocabulary, ability, education


PROBLEM: the central problem of the research is to be able to determine the level of significance of the naming capacity in healthy men and women of the Guatemalan population. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the parameters of naming ability through the Boston test in the study population. METHOD: the type of study is a cross-sectional quantitative representation with a correlation, comparative and analytical approach. RESULTS: the result obtained denotes a higher average of difficulties in the group of women of 12.94, on the other hand, the group of men denoted an average of 10.62 which indicates fewer problems in the responses of the 15-item Boston test. The statistical degree of the P-Value is 0.001 which shows a level of significance. And, a positive correlation of 0.49 was also manifested, with a significance of 0.001 percent. CONCLUSION: the final results indicate that the sample simulation test was used to determine that there is a statistically significant difference of 0.01 percent when comparing the means of the population groups between men and women. Indicating that the Affirmative Hypothesis (HA): performance on the Boston Test of Naming Ability improves as educational level increases in the adult population.


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Author Biography

Walter Alexander de Paz Orozco, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Posee el grado de licenciatura en Psicología clínica, con especialización de Experto en Neuropsicología infantil, con Postgrado en Neuropsicología y Evaluación Cognitiva, con Especialidad en Psiquiatría y Psicología forense y rehabilitación neuropsicológica en personas con daño cerebral, se dedica a la atención clínica y comunitaria. Además, también realiza docencia universitaria en dos diferentes sedes como la Universidad Da Vinci de Guatemala y la Universidad Regional de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

de Paz Orozco, W. A. (2024). Study of naming ability in the adult population through the Boston test. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 115–128.



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