Risk factors and stressors of mental health in adolescents


  • Idania Marisol Alfaro Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




factors, risk, stressors, health, mental, adolescents


PROBLEM: what are the stressors of adolescent mental health that teachers observe in the educational environment. OBJECTIVE: to determine the risk and stress factors that affect the mental health of adolescents from the educational field. METHOD: the research was qualitative-quantitative with a scientific approach on stressful factors of mental health in adolescents, from the perspective of neuroeducation linked to mental health. RESULTS: 50% of those surveyed work at the middle level (basic and diversified). The factors that affect mental health in adolescents stand out challenging behaviors (75.3%). Regarding the risk factors, we can highlight the poor quality of domestic life (85.4%). In addition, stressors highlight the desire for greater autonomy and independence (62.9%). Without a doubt, this has negative effects on the mental health of adolescents, according to research, 79.8% see their sleep cycle (drowsiness) altered. CONCLUSION: the risk factors that affect the mental health of adolescents from the educational field stand out: poor quality of domestic life, and emotional conflicts. The stressor affecting their educational performance stands out: the desire for greater autonomy.


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Author Biography

Idania Marisol Alfaro Méndez , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Master of the degree in Neuroscience with emphasis in Neurocognition, from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Graduate in pedagogy and educational administration and technician in intercultural education. Educational coach in teaching systems.


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How to Cite

Alfaro Méndez , I. M. (2023). Risk factors and stressors of mental health in adolescents. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(2), 87–95. https://doi.org/10.46780/sociedadcunzac.v3i2.94



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