Chronic smoking, predictor of cognitive impairment due to vascular disease.


  • Luz Andrea Castañeda Argueta Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



smoking, deterioration, addictions, smokers, dependency


PROBLEM: the impact of tobacco on people is extremely harmful and scientifically documented, but little is said about chronic smoking as a risk factor, which works as a predictor of cardiovascular diseases. OBJECTIVE: to identify chronic smoking as a predictor of cognitive impairment due to vascular disease in older adults. METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional retrospective study, with a population of 88 older adults, fluctuating between the ages of 60 years or more. RESULTS: it was determined that the prevailing age range in the study population was between the ages of 60 to 70 years with 47.72%, the predominant gender was male with 61.36%; the majority of the patients indicated that they were ladino, reaching 82.95%. In relation to the origin, the departments of Guatemala were emphasized, obtaining information only from patients from the department of Zacapa with 60.22%, Chiquimula with 28.40%, Jalapa with 5.68% and Izabal with 5.68%. CONCLUSION: of 88 older adults, 54 had a smoking index greater than 41 (packs of cigarettes consumed in their smoking years), classifying more than half of the study population at high risk of suffering diseases as a result of smoking, highlighting that, 51 patients from this same population were stratified within stage 6 of the global cognitive impairment scale, known as severe cognitive impairment.


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Author Biography

Luz Andrea Castañeda Argueta, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Zacapa University Center -CUNZAC-. Currently, a student in the fourth semester of the master's degree in neurosciences with an emphasis on neurocognition at the same study center.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Argueta, L. A. (2023). Chronic smoking, predictor of cognitive impairment due to vascular disease. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(2), 35–42.



Scientific articles