Language stimulation with augmentative and alternative communication systems


  • Corina Irene González de la Roca Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



communication, language, augmentative, alternative, therapy


PROBLEM: how the Guatemalan language therapist uses augmentative and alternative communication systems to stimulate language. OBJECTIVE: to determine the type of work carried out by the Guatemalan language therapist in relation to augmentative and alternative communication systems. METHOD: this is a quantitative cross-sectional study, in which 114 language therapists from Guatemala participated, who belong to the Association of Language Therapists in Guatemala. RESULTS: in the analysis carried out, it is observed that language therapists use communication systems as a tool to stimulate language in all diagnoses, giving greater relevance to diagnoses of language difficulties secondary to other diagnoses. CONCLUSION: it is concluded that the speech therapist uses different augmentative and alternative communication systems to stimulate language in the different diagnoses of language problems as a primary diagnosis and in any diagnosis of speech difficulty secondary to another diagnosis.


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Author Biography

Corina Irene González de la Roca , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Clinical psychologist with a postgraduate degree in neurodevelopment and specialization in hearing, voice and language therapy. Private clinic in speech therapy. Undergraduate university professor at Rafael Landívar University, Antigua Guatemala, currently teaching the master's degree in Neuroscience with emphasis in Neurocognition at the University Center of Zacapa.


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How to Cite

González de la Roca , C. I. (2023). Language stimulation with augmentative and alternative communication systems. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(2), 25–33.



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