Lesiones traumatológicas asociados a sustancias adictivas estupefacientes y alcohol


  • Edwin Orlando Lucas Vanegas Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




lesión, neurorehabilitación, sustancia, adicción, traumatismo


PROBLEM: there is a relationship between the consumption of narcotic/alcohol substances and traumatological injuries OBJECTIVE: to determine the main traumatological injuries associated with narcotic addictive substances METHOD: cross-sectional descriptive study on traumatological injuries associated with the consumption of narcotic addictive substances and alcohol. N= 350 cases and a sample n= 88 patients. RESULTS: during the investigation it was possible to determine that the patients who presented traumatological injuries are between the ages of 14 to 40 years of age with a total of 65 patients (73%), of which it was determined that 45 patients are female. (48.9%) and 62 (70.4%) patients came from rural areas of the municipality. The main traumatic injuries were evidenced as lower limb fractures, representing 51 patients (58%) of the total admissions, it was established that 100% of the patients They stated that they had suffered a high-energy accident, with an average neurorehabilitation of 2 to 7 days with a total of 51 patients (59%). CONCLUSION: it can be concluded that traumatological injuries secondary to the consumption of narcotic addictive substances usually have high-energy mechanisms such as car accidents, the injuries are shown predominantly in lower limb fractures, completing a period of toxicological and traumatological neurorehabilitation in a period of 2 to 7 days of hospital stay.


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Author Biography

Edwin Orlando Lucas Vanegas , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a Secondary School Professor graduated from Universidad Panamericana, Graduated in Educational Administration from Universidad Panamericana, EPS from the Medical and Surgeon career at the Centro Universitario de Oriente and currently Mastering in the Master's Degree in Neurosciences with Emphasis in Neurocognition from the University Center of Zacapa, CUNZAC.


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How to Cite

Lucas Vanegas , E. O. (2023). Lesiones traumatológicas asociados a sustancias adictivas estupefacientes y alcohol . Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(1), 217–224. https://doi.org/10.46780/sociedadcunzac.v3i1.82



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