Neuroeducación en padres de niños con discapacidad como potenciador de funciones ejecutivas


  • José Ernesto Ramírez Ovalle Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • María Inés Elgueta Godoy Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Bartolo Yojcom Chavajay Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



discapacidad, funciones ejecutivas, neuroeducación


PROBLEM: when we talk about disability, we talk about many limitations at the same time, this obstructs the development of executive functions, added to the little strengthening that the father may have on the subject. For this reason, the neuroeducation process is necessary to strengthen and develop new capacities in the child for a functional future. OBJECTIVES: to infer the need for neuroeducation in the field of disability as a generator of executive functions. METHOD: preparation of a direct interview through questions according to the research variables. RESULTS: there is little management of disability and executive functions, there is a high percentage of ignorance, thus reflecting 98% of the population is unaware of executive functions, 97% lack understanding of the development of executive functions as a tool within therapy. 100% are unaware of the curricular adaptations in educational centers with children with disabilities. CONCLUSION: neuroeducation correlates with the issue of disability for better training, preparation and monitoring of parents of children with disabilities and development needs of executive functions. The different entities and the government should promote neuroeducation as a coping tool for any disability.


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Author Biographies

José Ernesto Ramírez Ovalle, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Student of the master's degree in Neuroscience with an emphasis on Neurocognition and interested in research, from this, the need to be focused on various research areas that impact the different spheres of social life and the impact that these generate in the development or evolution of it.

María Inés Elgueta Godoy , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Student of the master's degree in Neuroscience with an emphasis on Neurocognition and interested in research, from this, the need to be focused on various research areas that impact the different spheres of social life and the impact that these generate in the development or evolution of it.

Bartolo Yojcom Chavajay , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Student of the master's degree in Neuroscience with an emphasis on Neurocognition and interested in research, from this, the need to be focused on various research areas that impact the different spheres of social life and the impact that these generate in the development or evolution of it.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Ovalle, J. E., Elgueta Godoy , M. I., & Yojcom Chavajay , B. (2023). Neuroeducación en padres de niños con discapacidad como potenciador de funciones ejecutivas. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(1), 151–160.



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