Apoyo psicológico para núcleos familiares de adultos mayores con alcoholismo


  • Rosa María Linares de Cabrera Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




adulto mayor, adicción, alcohol, psicoterapia, psicopatología


OBJECTIVE: to determine what type of psychological support is the most suitable to treat families that have patients addicted to alcohol and that this is an older adult. METHOD: the research process was carried out through the qualitative approach, perfect to be able to determine and describe the elements that promote a phenomenon and how it acts within an environment in general. And it is derived from the non-probabilistic method of the intentional type; It will be of the deductive type, since it consists of taking general conclusions to cover particulars. RESULTS: they showed that, of the sample, the most frequent age range was between 55 and 65 years with 28 families of the 59 that were studied, being 49% of the sample in total. And 39 families of the 59 are in intense overload, being 59% of the sample. CONCLUSION: the best treatment to be able to provide support to families who have an addicted relative and who is in the state of an older adult, is to refer them to a specialized center that can support them with the correct treatment. Treating a patient without the correct tools carries serious health risks.


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Author Biography

Rosa María Linares de Cabrera, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a current student of a master's degree in Neuroscience with an emphasis in Neurocognition at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala and holds the title of Clinical Psychologist from the University of Mariano Gálvez of Guatemala, with a specialty in Mental Health.


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How to Cite

Linares de Cabrera, R. M. (2023). Apoyo psicológico para núcleos familiares de adultos mayores con alcoholismo. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 3(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.46780/sociedadcunzac.v3i1.59



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