Prevalence and perception of alcohol consumption in women in the educational community


  • Rocio Michelle Ramírez López Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



addiction, consumption, perception, education, alcohol


PROBLEM: to know the prevalence and perception of alcohol consumption in women of the educational community. OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence and perception of alcohol consumption in women of the educational community, belonging to the Departmental Directorate of Escuintla. METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional study of alcohol consumption and perception of alcohol consumption in female teachers in Escuintla. RESULTS: the predominant age range in the study population was between 18 and 50 years of age; a sample of 80 adult women was taken, representing 100% of the population studied.  Analyzing the results of the prevalence of alcohol consumption according to the Audit test, it was found that only 4% of the population studied presented a probable addiction and 60% of the population was at low risk; in addition, according to the results of the perception of alcohol consumption, it was determined that most of the population found risks and disadvantages associated with alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: In recent years, alcohol consumption among women has been increasing; however, the study determined that among women in the educational community of the department of Escuintla, alcohol consumption remains at low risk and medium risk, which indicates that it is not common to find women with alcohol dependence in the educational community.


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Author Biography

Rocio Michelle Ramírez López , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Psicóloga clínica y terapeuta ocupacional, con experiencia en atención psicológica a adultos mayores con demencia, y formaciones en atención integral al trauma, actualmente cursante de la Maestría de Neurociencia conénfasis en Neurocognición de CUNZAC.


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How to Cite

Ramírez López , R. M. (2024). Prevalence and perception of alcohol consumption in women in the educational community. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(2), 173–188.



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