Healthy aging: evaluation of psychological well-being as a predictor of quality of life in older adults


  • Kendy Rosmery Casasola Gallego Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



quality of life, older adult, healthy aging, well-being, daily activities


PROBLEM: describe the factors that intervene in the health of the elderly for healthy aging. OBJECTIVE: to determine the activities of daily living of the geriatric population under study. METHOD: with a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study with a hypothetical-deductive approach. RESULTS: the most frequent age range was 60 to 65 years with 54.3%, with the female gender predominating with 67.9%. The majority profess the evangelical religion with 58%, 50.6% stating that they are married, and 39.5% having primary schooling; 95% have total dependence in their basic activities and 84% in instrumental activities, the high category predominated for the dimensions of interpersonal relationships with 86.4%, life satisfaction 81.5% and health 69.1%. CONCLUSION: an older adult who enjoys psychological well-being accepts and feels good about himself and his limitations, is in constant development and learns new things, has perfected enjoyable relationships, feels satisfaction with his time alone and provides relevance to the life he has had and the pillars they have built. Self-care is important and is encouraged in older adults, since this will allow them to generate the development of knowledge, skills and abilities that will promote and maintain their functional independence.


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Author Biography

Kendy Rosmery Casasola Gallego, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Licenciada de la carrera de Psicología. Estudiante de la maestría en Neurociencia con énfasis en Neurocognición del Centro Universitario de Zacapa, CUNZAC.


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How to Cite

Casasola Gallego, K. R. (2024). Healthy aging: evaluation of psychological well-being as a predictor of quality of life in older adults. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(2), 102–113.



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