Analysis of the sensory profile in institunalized children


  • Joseline Daniela Noj García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



institutionalization, sensory,, social, profile, emotional


PROBLEM: How higher functions can be affected by alterations in sensory systems and how these affect the development and adaptive responses of institutionalized children. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the sensory profile of children who are institutionalized and determine which sensory systems are the most affected and how these impact higher functions. METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional study of the sensory profiles of institutionalized children. RESULTS: the sensory profile refers to how children perceive, process, and respond to information from their environment, affecting their daily activities. In particular, the tactile system plays a crucial role in the motor, social and emotional spheres. Institutionalized children with traumatic experiences, such as abandonment and abuse, show difficulties in this sensory system, hindering the formation of emotional bonds with peers and caregivers. Traumatic experiences profoundly affect the tactile system, highlighting the importance of addressing these challenges in your care. CONCLUSION: children under institutional protection are more prone to difficulties in the tactile system, aggravated by trauma. These sensory alterations can limit their ability to establish strong emotional bonds, crucial for their emotional and social development, and affect their well-being and ability to relate healthily to peers and caregivers.



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Author Biography

Joseline Daniela Noj García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Nacida en la ciudad de Guatemala, estudiante de la maestría en Neurociencias con Énfasis en Neuro cognición de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, CUNZAC, terapeuta ocupacional y psicóloga organizacional, certificada en integración sensorial, experiencia en el área de neurodesarrollo e integración sensorial.


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How to Cite

Noj García, J. D. (2024). Analysis of the sensory profile in institunalized children. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 216–228.



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