Neurocognitive consequences and confinement, in people over 60 years of age in Cobán


  • Arely Marisol Zea Wellmann Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



sleep disturbances, depression, pandemic


PROBLEM: The stressing condition to which the population aged 60 and over was subjected, as a consequence of confinement and social distancing, as well as the decrease in their functionality in various areas, during the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to symptoms of depression or sleep disturbances. OBJECTIVE: To describe the emotional health situation, sleep disturbances, and the post-pandemic sociodemographic context of older adults residing in Cobán who do not receive mental health care. METHOD: Electronic survey of an experimental quantitative type and a descriptive scope where the conditions of weight gain or loss, sociodemographic conditions, and COVID-19 contagion of 73 people are evaluated. Likewise, the PHQ-9 test is applied, a self-report that evaluates the presence of depressive symptoms and sleep disturbances.  RESULTS: 45% of the adults over the age of 60 have trouble falling asleep, have trouble staying asleep, or sleep too much. Also, 94% of people who said they had a lack of concentration tested positive for COVID-19.  CONCLUSION: It was determined that the cognitive deterioration manifested in the lack of concentration or attention is directly related to the spread of COVID-19.    


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Author Biography

Arely Marisol Zea Wellmann, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es licenciada en investigación criminal y forense con maestría en comunicación estratégica, Posgrado en big data y business analytics y actualmente elaborando la tesis para optar al título de Maestría en criminología aplicada. Consultora en comunicación estratégica, violencia de género, Derechos Humanos, ciberdelitos y ciencias de la conducta para organismos internacionales, organizaciones sociales e instituciones públicas. 


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How to Cite

Zea Wellmann, A. M. (2024). Neurocognitive consequences and confinement, in people over 60 years of age in Cobán. Revista Académica Sociedad Del Conocimiento Cunzac, 4(1), 48–61.



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